When you are ready to submit a symposium proposal, click here: SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSAL
However, we suggest that you read the remainder of this page before submission.
The Program Committee is now inviting proposals for Symposia that are of interest to AFS meeting attendees. Symposia include oral presentations that share a common thematic focus. Symposia sessions are conceived and organized by individuals who recruit speakers to present papers or participate in panel discussions organized around a special topic. To encourage a diversity of symposia for the 2016 meeting we highly recommend submitting symposia proposals that do not exceed a full day. To be considered for inclusion, the organizer must submit a proposal to the Program Committee that describes the purpose, content and structure of the proposed symposium. For those symposia that are accepted by the Program Committee, the organizers will be requested to submit brief descriptions of the symposia and abstracts of the oral presentations that comprise them. Symposium organizers are responsible for recruiting presenters, soliciting their abstracts, and directing them to submit their abstracts and presentations through the AFS online submission forms, and for moderating the symposia. To encourage a range of perspectives, the Program Committee highly recommends reaching out to a diverse pool of potential speakers and to be receptive to suggestions from the Program Committee for including relevant oral presentations submitted as contributed papers within the symposia, especially those with student presenters. The Program Committee strongly encourages symposia that span disciplines, species, and ecosystems. Oral presentations within symposia will normally be assigned the standard time slot set by the Program Committee. Some presentations may be assigned a different time-duration, such as keynote presentations that extend over two standard time slots.
Symposium proposals must be submitted using the AFS online Symposium submission form by 31 January 2016.
Format for Submitting Symposia Proposals
To see the information that you will be asked to provide when submitting your symposium proposal, click here.