Hal Schramm, Jr., Mississippi State University and Mississippi Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
The Mississippi River and a Model for Management
Hal Schramm is leader of the Mississippi Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and professor in the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture at Mississippi State University. The Mississippi River provides a diverse and abundant fishery resource, but the contemporary conservation and management of this resource is really a tale of three rivers that differ geomorphically, hydrologically, and, most importantly, socio-economically. Schramm will use the Mississippi River as an example of conservation and management driven by value and extend this axiom to other fisheries resources. He will discuss some fisheries management successes and remaining challenges, describe the essentiality of partnerships for establishing value, and explore future options for expanding partnerships.
Danielle Brigida, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Using Social Media and Technology to Inspire and Educate
Social media allows us to share experiences, connect with others, and discuss the very important topics (or cat videos). It’s up to us to find a way to engage respectfully and distribute meaning through our interactions. I’ll talk about techniques for meaningfully engaging in social media so that we educate and inspire those interested in our topic. I’ll also discuss how we can use social media, content strategy, and connectivity to build meaningful relationships.
Zeb Hogan, College of Science, University of Nevada, Reno
Using Science and Storytelling to Create a Global Voice for Freshwater Fish Conservation
Zeb Hogan is an assistant professor at the University of Nevada-Reno, a National Geographic Society Fellow, and a United Nations Convention on Migratory Species Scientific Councilor for Fish. He also hosts the National Geographic television series, “Monster Fish.” His research includes contributions to understanding the migratory patterns and population status of vulnerable fish species, designation of the giant Mekong catfish as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List, and awareness-raising through international media and local communications about the plight of endangered fish species and their habitats.
He will discuss his work with the National Geographic Society and other partners to merge conservation science with outreach and action.